
What I heard,

Fantastic news: this coronavirus has opened a window of time to really dig into your creative goals. Don’t waste a moment letting the gravity of a complete life change slow you down; you’re an artist – pounce!

You lost your job (all of your jobs) because of Covid-19 closures? Great! Now you have even more time available to write that book! Let’s unleash our primal spirit to crank out art, by crushing our feelings into a machine of productivity. 

If you’re any kind of artist, now is the time to shine from the depth of your creative soul! It’s the big break The Industry has taught us to seek. I hear the award interview, “my opportunity arrived during the 2020 pandemic. I took advantage of the time and my creativity exploded!” Like Robin Williams said, be prepared for luck. Look around, the explosion of luck is social distancing. Harness that deeply creative strength and wrestle the abusive monster of social media into the skin of inspiration!

Everyone is online, watching. Technology is now the only avenue of connection with audience, friends, or family – so, attack this moment to create content! Don’t waste time with family – your parents can hardly Facetime, how are they gonna Zoom? Make them proud! Take your growing pit of fear and helplessness and robotically fold it into creative genius that grabs fans and boosts your numbers. Only numbers matter, you robotic chunk of creative production. Prove your societal value by shaping the electrifying realizations that people you love could die into a funny character!

History has given you this opportunity to create content for a completely changed world, just act like it’s business as usual! Engage your cosmic talents to remain untouched by the suffocating weight of grief, shock, and uncertainty that pulls each limb closer to an unknown sea floor! Do it now: you’re an artist!


What you said,

I bet you’re grateful for the free time.


What is true

There will be hugs again, on the other side. We will make it there, with compassion and strength. Everyone is coping in their own way.

Mary Alice McNab